5 Ways to Reduce Kitchen Waste (1/5)

Too much trash coming from the kitchen?
The kitchen can be a place full of waste! Food that spoils, plastic packaging, sponges, and more! This series will explore 5 ways to cut down on waste in your kitchen. Here's number 1:
When food goes bad, don’t toss it in the trash, turn it into nutrient-rich soil! There are many ways to compost at home, or if you do not have the space or want to do it at home, you can look for a community garden or drop-off site in your area (makesoil.org is a great way to find somewhere near you). Keep your scraps in the freezer if you are not able to drop it off every few days to avoid breakdown. There are many different options for composting at home, check out our quick tutorial for a cheap, homemade compost by Dhalia here.