A Step at a Time

Perhaps you saw this article that came out this week about WellBuilt Bikes celebrating our 5 year anniversary. Perhaps you were one of the many friends and neighbors that joined us on Sunday to celebrate the milestone. Perhaps you are just hearing about it now. In any case, there are points in our journeys that remind us how far we have come. We often feel like we just started and yet also, paradoxically, it can feel like we have always been on the same path.

Ananth and his family recently hit their goal of collecting 100 bikes for our programs!!

The celebration and the interview for the St Pete Catalyst article were both moments where someone asked, Did you ever see yourself here?" or "Did you know, when you started this 5 years ago that it would still be going at this point?" Those kinds of questions are hard to answer. We knew that is was important work. We knew that we had determination. We knew that we would stay committed to building and addressing the challenges in our city. But I can't say that we ever really know what the future holds beyond the hope for it that compel our actions. Each step of the way you can only really take the next right step. It's strange when you look back on a journey and see how far you have come. It's definitely encouraging but the trick is, to enjoy the process. There has never been a crystal clear outcome. Our vision is a #WellBuiltCity and our journey towards that end will be done one step at a time. We hope you will join us on that path and that pursuit.

Until Next time, be pedestrian.