Apples & Mindfulness

In this 5 part series we are exploring fruit and mindfulness. Check out our first article here. Today we explore apples.
Apples are also known to have an impact on concentration and overall brain health. This is because the apple's skin has a lot of quercetin, an antioxidant that protects the brain cells by ensuring a great flow of mental juices. Researchers from the University of Cornell University indicated that apples have antioxidants that guard the brain cells against radical spasms that damage the outer linings of neurons (Gilbert and Jennifer 230). The Increased radical attacks to the neurons are associated with an eventual cognitive decline. Therefore, it is advisable to ensure regular consumption of apples with their skin as it happens to be the leading source of quercetin. This, therefore, backs the famous quote that "An apple a day keeps the doctors away". Apples are also significant in keeping dementia away and boost brain health.