Bike/Walk Tampa Bay

Bike/Walk Tampa Bay  is a regional coalition of citizens, advocates, professionals, and allied organizations created to make walking and bicycling the preferred modes of transportation in Tampa Bay. To accomplish this goal, they engage and empower local communities and stakeholders to achieve a better transportation future in the region.

The Program Director is Julie Bond. Julie is a Senior Research Associate at the Center for Urban Transportation & Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida and specializes in Transportation Demand Management and bicycle/pedestrian safety.

Bike/Walk Tampa Bay provides bicycle lights and other safety items to those in need and spreads critical safety information throughout the region. Their safety education efforts focus on encouraging Tampa Bay residents to adopt lifestyles that include healthy activities, like biking and walking, while their research efforts focus on understanding the ways in which different modes of transportation can be made safe and accessible.

Bike/Walk Tampa Bay also honors members of our bicycling community each year with the Michael Schwaid Bicyclist of the Year Award. This award memorializes bicyclists and pedestrians we have lost and encourages safe bicycling.

What better group to help us all Be Pedestrian?!