Citizen Walkers | Class Visit

Over the past month we have been sharing a wonderful article written by Adam Davidson, adjunct faculty member at the USF Judy Genshaft Honors College. He teaches courses on knowledge and ethics, popular music, and walking! His walking course is called Citizen Walkers and the course perfectly embodies the very heart of the Be Pedestrian column. We hope you checked out what he had to say in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. However, just in case we also wanted to share this recording from our time joining this incredible class.

Citizen Walkers | Recording from my visit with USF honors class by that name
Listen to this episode from The Work Ethic on Spotify. Adam Davidson is an adjunct faculty member in the Judy Genshaft Honors College at the University of South Florida (USF). He teaches courses on knowledge and ethics, popular music, and walking! His walking course is called Citizen Walkers and the…

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