Coriander (Cilantro)

What it is: I know what you’re thinking - coriander isn’t a spice, it’s a herb! But hear me out; coriander seeds are used whole or in ground form as spices. Its taste has been described as earthy and sweet.

Health benefits:

  • Can alleviate symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - in particular, consuming anise can help reduce bloating, pain and stomach discomfort
  • Prevents food poisoning
  • Boosts immune system - coriander seeds have a lot of vitamin C

Common Uses: Coriander is widely used in Middle Eastern cooking, and is usually used in combination with cinnamon and cumin. Egyptian dukkah is an example of a Middle Eastern dish that uses coriander. Spice rubs made using coriander can be used to cook meat, fish and vegetables.