
What it is: Ginger comes from the stem of the plant Zingiber officinale. A lot of recipes make use of fresh ginger, but dried and ground ginger also make great additions to many recipes. Its taste is described as spicy and sharp.

Health benefits:

  • Can reduce nausea and vomiting - this effect of ginger proved to be particularly useful for patients undergoing drug therapy for HIV/AIDS.
  • Can reduce pain from menstrual cramps - some people even say it works as well as ibuprofen!
  • Can reduce pain from osteoarthritis
  • Boosts immune system
  • Helps with a sore throat - many people swear by this

Common Uses: Ginger is used in many dishes around the world. Whole ginger could be boiled in water or broth to create a flavorful stock. Minced ginger is often added to rice dishes and stir fries. Pickled ginger is eaten as a side dish in some regions in the world. You could also add  it to tea.