Oranges & Mindfulness

In this 5 part series we are exploring fruit and mindfulness. Check out our first article here. Today we explore oranges:

Oranges happen to be the most loved fruits among the citrus fruits as they form a huge powerhouse of nutrients. Previous studies have indicated that a single orange fruit can fulfil 72% of the daily required amount of vitamin C in the body (Gilbert and Jennifer 230). In addition, oranges contain high quantities of antioxidants and flavonoids, essential in boosting brain health. The fruit is usually important for elderly individuals as it helps to boost its functioning and boosts concentration levels. The consumption of a glass of orange juice a day helps improve the brain's cognitive ability. Flavonoids found in oranges improve memory by activating the signal pathways in the hippocampus, a brain part that is attributed to mindfulness and learning. The folic acids found in the fruit plays a crucial role in boosting the brain's health and neural systems. Therefore, this fruit is most beneficial to older individuals with cognitive conditions.